ADABAS/Natural Utilities

Fast, efficient ADABAS data extraction.


Fast, efficient ADABAS data extraction

ADASTRIP is a powerful utility for extracting data from ADABAS databases and/or backups (whether created by ADASAV or CCA Software’s QDUMP. In a single pass of the input file, ADASTRIP can extract all of the required data from an application for further processing.

Simple parameters specify the field and data selection criteria. Field definitions are automatically extracted directly from the backup or database.


eSTRIP is an ADASTRIP extender. It extends ADASTRIP by allowing users to select data in a parent child type relationship, ie, records that are related by a common key can be extracted to create subsets of data. This data is suitable for test databases or publishing related data to a data warehouse in an RDBMS from the high performance transaction ADABAS databases.

eSTRIP provides facilities to create the primary key extract file and then runs as a special ADASTRIP user exit which undertakes the selection process as required. A set of useful ADASTRIP Exits are associated with eSTRIP but are sold as separate products.


STRIPZIP gives the ability to convert ADASTRIP output into compressed ASCII data. This means that the output dataset is relatively small and that the transmission time is relatively short. The ADASTRIP output file must be variable record format.


Simple, fast & efficient ADABAS File Restructuring Utility on z/OS, UNIX & Windows systems

ADAREORG is a fast, efficient and powerful utility for restructuring the physical structure of ADABAS databases at the file [or table] level. It enables the physical structure of an ADABAS database to be changed with minimal effort, risk and resource usage.

ADAREORG empowers the DBA to quickly and easily respond to any physical database restructuring demands due to changes in application requirements.

ADAREORG makes it easy to change ADABAS file structures

Benefits of DBA

  • Insert or delete fields anywhere in a file, even in a Periodic Group (PE)
  • Create subsets of existing files based on comparisons of specified fields
  • Convert data formats, e.g. field type conversions, changes in length, or to move fields into or out of periodic groups or multi-valued fields
  • Reorder fields within a record
  • Manipulate data at sub-field level
  • Join two files, which may be compressed or decompressed
  • Move undertake specialised conversions with the field level user exits


Data Migration

ADAMAGIC facilitates the migration of ADABAS mainframe databases to ADABAS on UNIX (eg. Sun Solaris, HP/UX or IBM/AIX), Linux (Redhat, Suse etc) and Windows.

ADAMAGIC is considered to be CCA’s server version of our popular mainframe ADASTRIP product. It can be used to extract flat files, CSV files and normalised files suitable for input into RDBMS applications.

ADAMAGIC can be used to convert all application data files from mainframe EBCDIC ADABAS database to equivalent compressed or flat files in a UNIX/Windows ASCII file format.

Benefits of ADAMAGIC

  • Convert mainframe ADABAS databases to ADABAS under UNIX/Windows
  • Convert mainframe ADABAS databases to ASCII flat files, CSV files or normalised files
  • Process mainframe files while extracting them to any format desired
  • Use comprehensive selection criteria to extract exactly the required data
  • Access raw mainframe historical data on a server platform
  • Populate test databases


Simple, efficient verification of logical integrity

DBAUDIT is a flexible utility that facilitates quick and accurate verification of the logical integrity of an ADABAS database.

DBAUDIT scans a nominated ADASAV backup (which then avoids any impact upon production databases) and applies user-supplied verification criteria. Output can be either reports or files containing full details of any database integrity violations, as well as optional control totals and counts.

DBAUDIT uses a simple but powerful SQL-like command language that allows the DBA or developer to specify verification rules without the need to write programs.

DBAUDIT provides unparalleled utility and ease-of-use in the search for application integrity.


PEEK allows developers to easily browse and examine data in an ADABAS File

Data is accessible in virtually any sequence with just a keystroke or two, direct from the NATURAL Editor.

The display screen is divided into screens and pages. Each page contains one record per screen line and scrolling vertically with PF7/8 reveals more records.

More fields can be seen scrolling horizontally with PF9/10.

Whilst the Display Screen shows more records at a time, the PF6 invoked DETAIL screen below allows the user to display all data from a single record including all PE/MU occurrences.

Data Records can also be added, modified, copied and deleted from this screen.


Simple, dynamic system management

NIM offers maximum benefits to organisations using:

  • z/OS, MSP EX or similar
  • VTAM
  • JES2 or JES3
  • and wish to avoid using a cumbersome general purpose TP monitor.

NIM is designed to make full use of the sub-tasking and memory management capabilities of z/OS, whilst interposing a minimum of activity between NATURAL, VTAM and ADABAS.

NIM establishes a new OS subtask for each user, allocating a unique address range in NIM’s virtual address space. Each user is then independent and any user sub-task essentially isolates each user and can’t affect other users. By using only the documented z/OS interfaces, NIM remains transportable through OS upgrades. NIM does not need to run as an authorised program (but can), so protected areas of memory are not threatened.

NIM Advantages:

  • Reduced resource overhead: NIM will consume between 1% to 5% of the CPU used by NATURAL sessions.
  • Minimal support required: typically no dedicated support responsibility is required.
  • Ease of Use: NIM’s logical and convenient DBA interface means simple installation, minimum training and quick response to environment changes.
  • System Performance: NIM’s powerful monitoring and control facilities provide an opportunity for system tuning and the potential to improve resource utilisation and cut response times.
  • Stability: an elegant and logical architecture has resulted in an exceedingly stable, low maintenance product.
  • Guaranteed Return on Investment: the value of NIM in the areas of processing efficiency and reduced support costs guarantees return on investment within a brief period.


A Generalised ADABAS Auditing Facility

AUDITRE is Treehouse Software’s generalised auditing facility for ADABAS. AUDITRE is a popular tool that has proven to have many uses in auditing.

A Secure and Reliable Source

ADABAS data may be modified by programs written in NATURAL, COBOL, etc. Regardless of the program used to modify the data, all changes are automatically recorded on the ADABAS Protection Log. This makes the Protection Log a reliable, centralised source of information about data changes, and the ideal input for AUDITRE.

Extensive Selection Criteria

You may not need to see the millions of changes on the Protection Log. For example, you might be interested in changes made to records in a specific file if certain fields changed during a particular time frame. AUDITRE supports many criterias for retrieving only the data you need.

Flexible Output Options

AUDITRE provides both summary and detail reports about ADABAS data changes (adds, updates, and deletes). Hardcopy reports and sequential (flat-file) datasets might be produced from these reports.

AUDITRE summary reports show the number of adds, deletes, and updates made to specified files and fields. AUDITRE detail reports show “before” and “after” values of changed fields.

AUDITRE output datasets might be used as input for reporting, analysis, and other software. This means that AUDITRE can provide data for update propagation, decision making, and more. AUDITRE is so popular that sites continue to find new ways to use the AUDITRE output.

Fast and Efficient

AUDITRE is written in Assembler to ensure maximum efficiency. Multiple reports and output datasets may be produced in a single pass over the Protection Log data. AUDITRE does not require ADABAS to be active.


ADABAS and NATURAL Performance Monitor

Sites need a reliable, effective, and efficient way to monitor ADABAS performance. Treehouse Software offers TRIM, a robust performance monitor for ADABAS and NATURAL. Over 300 sites worldwide use TRIM.

TRIM Real-Time Monitor

The TRIM Real-Time Monitor provides hundreds of performance statistics online in real-time, showing:

  • ADABAS activity for the past five minutes and the past five hours
  • Session statistics
  • Warnings about queue and table fill-up conditions
  • Traces of performance problems and ADABAS calls by user, job, program, etc.
  • Database information (ADAREP, online, and enhanced)
  • SECURITRE performance statistics
  • ADABAS and TRIM environment information

Batch Slowdown

Prime time batch runs could impact online performance. TRIM includes a Batch Slowdown feature to enable the site to slow down certain batch jobs to improve on-line response times.

Performance Control and Security

TRIM includes a Dynamic Control and Security facility, which disallows inefficient commands, locks out file access, plugs ADABAS passwords, and performs security checks. This facility prevents many performance problems before they happen.

Command and Protection Log Processing

TRIM also provides batch facilities for processing ADABAS Command and Protection Logs. These facilities produce flat files or hardcopy output, which can assist in performance tuning, chargeback, and capacity planning.

Reduction of Command Log Data

ADABAS Command Logs can contain millions of detailed records, one for each command issued. Most sites do not require this level of detail, but need to log only certain detail records, certain buffers for example. TRIM Dynamic Logging makes this selective logging possible.


A NATURAL Application Change Management System and 3GL Support for PANVALET, LIBRARIAN, ENDEVOR, and PDSs

Applications may consist of hundreds of objects, which may be changed by many programmers. Managing the development and maintenance of applications involves tasks such as:

  • Controlling migrations into production environments
  • Avoiding program overwrites
  • Tracking the current location of a program
  • Verifying that program changes are made
  • Changing all related objects
  • Archiving and recovery
  • Maintaining complete audit trails
  • Manual change management can be time consuming and prone to error

Treehouse Software developed N2O to provide cost-effective automated change management for NATURAL objects, SYSERR messages, and PREDICT objects.


Applications often contain non-NATURAL components, such as COBOL or JCL.

N2O/3GL, a separately-priced N2O feature, allows the batch migration of 3GL/Other objects stored in partitioned datasets, PANVALET libraries, LIBRARIAN master files, or ENDEVOR stages. Additionally, N2O/3GL provides checkout/check in and audit trails for 3GL migrations, which allow the N2O Administrator to effectively manage the changes in 3GL environments.

N2O/3GL uses a site’s 3GL repositories for migrating 3GL objects and follows a site’s 3GL naming conventions. N2O with N2O/3GL migrates ASSEMBLER, COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, and RPG source code, as well as JCL and other data types.

N2O offers many features to automate change management tasks

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